Rudders & Steering Systems

Using the combined Services within the Kemp Group of Calibre, Oceantech and Hypac, we can design and manufacture Rudders and Rudder Systems for all types of vessels.

From complete design, Manufacture, Steering Systems and power packs, Rudders and Bearings, Rudder Stocks and Fabricated Tiller Arms. Steel, Stainless Steel and Aluminium available.

We also have an excellent relationship with HyDrive and Course master for hydraulic boat steering equipment. Whether your vessel is to class or not we will always ensure it meets the requirements of AMSA and other classification societies were applicable.

Rudders & Steering Systems - Hydrive, Course Master Products
Rudders & Steering Systems - Spade or Balanced Rudders

Spade or Balanced Rudders

Rudders & Steering Systems - Unbalanced Rudders

Unbalanced Rudders

Rudders & Steering Systems - Flap Rudders

Flap Rudders

Looking for more information?

Call our experts on: 08 8312 6555 or email today!