Arctic Steel Strainers, 2205
Arctic Steel leads the world in Cast Stainless Steel Water Strainers. A full range of associated fittings are available to connect your strainer to pipe work, engine, pump, generator, compressor and cooling systems. KPS are specialists in Arctic Steel products.
Extended Strainer Life
Cast in 2205 Duplex Stainless Steel. This means double the corrosion resistance of a 216 stainless strainer.
Weight Saving
The strength achieved by casting in 2205 allows finer sections than other metals, which means weight saving when compared to bronze strainers.
Removes Air from the cooling system
Caviation can cause air to enter the cooling system. The change in flow direction mixes air into small bubbles drawing them through the system, minimising the occurrence of air locks and engine overheating.
Better Filtration
Swiriling action ensures the entire surface area of the basket is used, which means less frequent cleaning.
Outstanding Performance
Offset inlet & outlet improves strainer flow dynamics.
Solid cast lid or clear lid for easy inspection. ABS plastic and stainless steel baskets. Flanges can be specified on all strainers (custom screen size can be specified for stainless baskets)
Ease of Use
Swing down bolts with wing nuts means no tools required – improving operational efficiency.
Similar Metal
A stainless steel strainer system reduces the mix of metals in a marine engine room, which is dominated by steel and stainless steel fittings. This helps reduce the liklihood of galvanic corrosion.
Largest Range
Direct mount – bottom inlet, side outlet (BISO) Remote mount – side inlet, side outlet (SISO) Available from 1″ to 6″Thru Hull Skin Fittings
Designed for underwater applications, the Arctic Steel Thru Hull Skin Fittings are cast in Duplex 2205 stainless steel, making them the material of choice when coming into permanent contact with seawater.
ABS & 316 Baskets
Kemp Propulsion Systems provide high quality ABS Baskets and 316 Stainess Steel Baskets. View our range below from Arctic Steel.
Inlet Scoop Strainers
KPS are specialists in Inlet Scoop Strainers and Inlet Rose Strainers.
Strainer Mounting Bracket
Adjustable Arms
Strainer 316 Wing Nuts
Replacement Solid Lid
Looking for more information?
Call our experts on: 08 8312 6555 or email today!